Pointers vs. Flushers
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The SBDA hosted two Pointers vs. Flushers Fun Trials this year. The first was on April 19th and the second was on May 31st. All participants had a great time, and we all hope this competition will be continued in the years to come.
The Pointers vs. Flushers Fun Trial is set up like a "Run and Gun" event. Points are awarded for birds found and either pointed or flushed, retrieves, shells left over at the end of the head to head competitions and number of minutes left over (if the birds are all harvested before the time limit).

A couple handlers (Harmon & Trapp) and their dogs get ready to run.

Two more handlers (Pattera & Colyer) and their dogs get ready to run.

TOP DOGS (and handlers). On the April 19th Fun Trial, FIRST PLACE honors were taken by Jim Tesarik and his GSP, Hanna. Second Place went to Brent Thiemer and his Brittany, Buster. BIG congratulations to these dogs and handlers ! ! !

Here is a training picture. The handler/trainer on the left is a Flusher Guy, showing his dog how to Flush a bird that's under the truck. The trainer/handler on the right is a Pointer Guy showing his dog how to point a bird under the truck.

Many different breeds were represented, including this fine example of a Pointing Labrador (two Pointing Labs participated). This handler (Laurence) and his dog (Leopold) came over from Olympia to participate. It was one of the first times that some of us got to see a Labrador that Points!